Monday, April 15, 2013

Chapter Two

Beatrice is going to school to see what faction she is and it turns out, all kids are terrified of this test. Like completely scared that they won't turn out to be who they think they are. That's the best part of the test though, is figuring out who you really are and finally being able to be where you belong. There's no point in suffering in a place where no one understands you. I wish that there was a test like this in real life, it would make things a lot easier. Like, I wouldn't want to make any big decisions over it, but it would be nice to have it as a safety net.

The testing rooms are covered in mirrors, although this doesn't seem fair because Abnegation aren't supposed to look in mirrors more than once per like three months.

Once again the time period of this book doesn't seem to be right. They're still using dentist chairs and electrodes and it's just bothering me that the technology isn't as advanced. Except during the test when they give her this specific dream and can talk to her, that seems to be pretty advanced.

Beatrice is in the lunchroom that she was previously in. She's alone and she could hear the woman's voice. She had an option between the knife or cheese and then this random, angry dog comes in to attack her. (If I haven't annoyed you yet with this, I have just been bitten by a dog on Saturday and it isn't very much fun.) After she calms the dog down, a little girl runs in and she tackles the dog, trying to save her. Then a new scenario pops up and she's on the bus with a strange man that's very mad at a murderer in the paper. He asks Beatrice if she knows him and she lies and says no.

According to this test you can decide what faction you are... Candor- what you say to the man on the bus, Abnegation- saving the little girl, Dautless- picking the knife, Amity- picking the cheese, and Erudite- if you didn't pick the cheese of knife, you had to calm the dog down.

Ali has just taught me that dogs apparently love cheese? It's apparently very odd that I didn't know that. Also another random thought that I had was when they asked her to drink the liquid and lie down, it sounded exactly like a colt. I probably would have never drank the liquid without knowing what it was first.


Candor- Doesn't give the test even though it would make sense that the honest people give the tests.

Abnegation- Beatrice is nothing like her brother and her brother is Abnegation.

Dauntless- Make fun of Abnegation, jump off trains, and have crazy clothing and style.

Amity- Always wear red, orange, or yellow.

Erudite- Wear glasses and look very intelligent. Always carry around books, always want to know more.

"I press air from my lungs and tip the contents of the vial into my mouth. My eyes close."

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