Monday, April 15, 2013

Chapter One

In the beginning of this book, Beatrice has scheduled meetings so she can see herself in the mirror. It's turns out that because she's Abnegation, she can't look at herself in the mirror. Abnegation is all about being selfless, right? Since when does looking in a mirror make you a selfish person? Beatrice says that she also isn't supposed to look at herself because of the curiosity of it all. But why does being curious make you selfish? Being curious is a natural thing to all humans, it is one of our needs to know more about things. To not allow Abnegation to be curious, is a little ridiculous.

Humans will always have the curiosity to know more..

Beatrice is an Abnegation, yet she's going to take an aptitude test in a couple days...Apparently even if you grow up with your family in one faction, you still can change to another. But, woudn't it be most likely that if two Abnegation had a kid that they would also be an Abnegation? Beatrice's is convinced her brother is an Abnegation, and he is older. Why are they taking the test on the same day? Are they like twins or something?

If the setting of this book is supposed to be in the future, why are we still driving buses, cars, and trains? Don't you think things would have advanced a little more quickly than that? What kind of future is this? And it isn't possible that this is the near future because this is so far away from how the government and schooling works now.
This is what the future should really look like. (:

I found it a little odd that all the factions dress differently and hang out in their little cliques during school. It's also pretty ironic that Abnegation gets discriminated against, considering they are the ones that only do things for other people.

Candor = Honest. (Wear black and White clothing.)
Abnegation = Selfless. (Wear gray robes, seem to all have blonde hair, don't look in mirros, don't celebrate birthdays,  and aren't supposed to be curious.)
Dautless = Brave.
Amity = Peaceful.
Erudite = Intelligent.

"The Candor man wears a black suit with a white tie- Candor standard uniform. Their faction values honesty and sees the truth as black and white, so that is what they wear."

1 comment:

  1. I think the reason curiosity is frowned upon in Abnegation is because seeking intelligence is self-serving. Therefore, curiosity isn't a selfless act. Also, when it comes to the futuristic aspect of the book, look at totalitarian governments for an example. Because there is total government control, it is unlikely that they are able to become as technologically advanced as free governments. Plus, in a totalitarian government, even if they somehow got the technology, the government would be the ones who got to use it and would most likely keep it away from the people.
