Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Book Review

On a scale of one to five stars, I have to say I would give this book a 3.9.

Although this wasn't my all-time favorite book, the book Divergent is written in a manner that everyone can understand. It has captivating details that pull you through endless cliffhangers and make you want to continually read more.

Tris's character was a little underdeveloped in her thought process and overall personality, but I do think it relates well enough to a teenage girl. This book allows us to follow Tris throughout her journey as a Divergent, and her constant live in fear. Tris undergoes many hardships and willingly pulls through all of them. She is emotionally torn between her decision of family, or her faction, yet she can't decide which faction she belongs; if any at that.

This books stretches from a regular thought process and allows us to think of alternatives to American Government. The symbolism throughout this book is mind-blowing, and not obvious. Veronica Roth did a fantastic job incorporating personal experiences with Dystopian fiction and has completed one of the most creative books yet. This book pushes you out of your comfort zone and allows you to voice your opinion on matters that usually don't occur. It gives a person many outlets to consider, and describes all sides of the matter, allowing your opinion to be the final dictator.

I've enjoyed considering alternate possibilities to the way of life. Also, reading a romance novel built in to all of the dramatic fiction. It was the perfect balance between knowledge and expanding ones mind, and entertainment for the thrill of events. I would recommend this book not only for the intense symbolism, but also for a new approach on thought processes.

1 comment:

  1. Getting a little stingy with that 0.1 star, aren't we? I agree with the simplicity of the writing, use of symbolism, and thinking outside of the box. We have about the same opinion of the book, but I think I would give it that extra 0.1 star!

    Also, I just wanted to compliment your writing style on your blog. You managed to write with a distinctive voice, but also were able to maintain a high level of intelligence in your word choice. Great job!
