Friday, May 3, 2013

Chapter Seventeen

Uriah comes up to Tris and gets her to go outside with him and a bunch of Dauntless people. None of the initiates know where they're going but the members know. She's meeting new people and nonchalantly asking questions about Four. Technically that's our generation's Facebook stalking.(:

She figures out they are going to the Hancock building and they go to the very top floor and climb to the ceiling. This building is very, very, very, high up and they plan to zip-line off of it! Tris is the first of the initiates to go and she completely loves it. Just at the right time, you have to unclip your harness and fall into the arms of the other Dauntless members. This makes them feel one with another and it's really what brings them together, this is really what makes a person Dauntless.

Because she was the first to jump she loses the nickname "Stiff." (hahahah.;) I thought it was interesting how she technically got a "flashback" of the Marsh and saw how life used to be. I wonder if she only saw that because she's Divergent, or maybe everybody sees it and they just don't talk about it? But that seems pretty unreasonable. 

They are all addicted to the rushing feeling and the adrenaline pumping through them. She finally feels like she fits in with Dauntless and officially wants to be one of them. 

"Before he can finish the word "go," he releases the sling and I forget him, I forget Uriah, and family, and all the things that could malfunction and lead to my death."

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